Friday, November 16, 2012

Another woman we met exalting the Lord at David's Tent Rebecca Ford

I took this excerpt from Rebecca's blog 

These scriptures and many more tell us of the power that Christians have. Old Testament prophets like Elijah and Elisha worked many miracles of great power, but they did not have the glory of Christ in them. The Holy Spirit rested upon them like a cloak, given for their ministry. Yet that was enough to raise the dead and make an iron ax head float. It was enough to work great miracles. At Pentecost, the purpose of Christ’s death and resurrection was finally given. Because man was made holy by Christ’s death, the Holy Spirit could indwell us. Instead of one “Christ” upon the earth, now there were many “Christians.” Or instead of one Great Fire, now there were many little ones, spreading fire over the face of the earth. They were sent out like torches to start more fires! They were commissioned to spread the Good News, heal the sick and cast out demons. They were commissioned to possess the land in the same way that the Israelites were to possess the land in the book of Joshua. God did not drive out all of their enemies ahead of them. Instead he gave them the task of going into the land with God and taking possession of the land. If the Israelites did as God told them they would be blessed and would drive out their enemies with power.

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